27 Μαρτίου 2025

Where and when Greek expats will vote for the June 25 Greek national elections


The Secretary-General for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy  John Chrysoulakis explained on public broadcaster ERT how Greeks abroad and expatriates will come to the polls and where the special polling stations will be set up abroad for the national elections in June. He revealed that the polls will open on June 24, in 35 countries, one day earlier than the rest.

“Greek voters who live outside of Greek territory will once again have the ability to vote from their place of residence abroad, in accordance to law 4648 that was passed in 2019,” said Mr. Chrysoulakis stressing that 102 polling stations will operate in 82 cities, in 35 countries inside and outside Europe.

“The registered people this time are 25,610, i.e. 2,755 more than the last time they voted on May 20,” noted Chrysoulakis, reiterating that the elections in the Hellenic diaspora are held one day earlier and start at 7:00 in the morning until 7:00 p.m. evening local time, so that the envelopes with the ballots are collected and the results are out in time.

Asked about the number of expatriates who will vote in the June 25 election, he revealed that in the interval from the May 21 election, about 5,500 more registered between the two elections, while those who suspended their rights are about 2,500, which means that some Greeks abroad will exercise their right to vote in Greece, as they will be in the country for their summer holidays.

He added, in fact, that as additional polling stations were created in London, in Luxembourg and probably changed the place where they vote, it would be good for them to visit the application “Learn what you are voting” beforehand to be sure that in the polling station where they go and have with them their Greek identity card or Greek passport.

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